The mighty Jedi has been eaten by Mickey Mouse as Disney acquired Lucas Film and Lucas Arts during the fall 2012. Now Lucas Films, and Lucas Arts have been shut down. Half a year ago while most observers were following media hype and promises of bright new future (as well as Star Wars: Episode 7 and other shiny stuff) somethings should have warned us of inevitable:
1. It's Disney. One of the main competitors of George Lucas and his approach to entertainment, art and life. Lucas was brave enough to borrow from Buddhist philosophy and put that into a working concept for mass media. Can you imagine Lion King or Mickey Mouse thinking and relating to matters of strategy, belief and philosophy? I can't.
2. Death of master L. George Lucas, as a result of the deal would not be directing, but being a "creative consultant". Artist is a main driver of any film or game production. When artist stops being heart of it, the magic of our connection to the movie, story and characters slowly dies as more of "same-crap-as-before-cause-it-sells" stuff encroaches The fact that Lucas was not actively involved in creation of last 3 films of Star Wars actually shows that. Movies became more about lightsabre-action and less about meaning.
3. Different market priority. Disney, despite all the promises had a strong idea where the "new" LucasArts will go. This is a quote from Disney's announcement I took from
In a conference call this afternoon, Disney's Bob Iger said they will be focusing on social and mobile games and will likely license their IPs for console gaming-meaning you'll see other studios making Star Wars games .
Well, most of the games that made Lucas Arts were traditional PC and console games with rich narrative and established background. They obviously did not fit into Zynga's backyard of casual games and Facebook time-killers. That's not the product players would expect from such studio.So now to the final question on why would Disney buy Lucas Films and shut them down? It's not just about the money. With Lucas Arts gone, but their intellectual property under their control, Disney will become unsinkable giant of entertainment industry. That would improve their position greatly in the face of current financial difficulties and hard-hit entertainment sector. Current cancellation of new project's serves this goal: spend as less as you can, gain as much as you can. Welcome to capitalism, Jedi.
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