23 March 2014

8000 hits. Reflection.

The more you blog and read others, the more you learn. In my megalomaniac plans to conquer the world of game design, this particular blog had to be a place where puny readers, would worship and praise my glorious mastery. Instead, people come here for some silly reasons, like half naked girls. Time to facepalm, it is another defeat. But this war shall be won by ME! I swear on my pants!!

Reflection Uno: don't compete with media hype. use it. 
Games like Halo or Whitcher, have an AAA rating, and millions in their PR and media budget. Not surprisingly majority of searches goes for those subjects. If I'd go for money making scheme for this blog, I'd have create a blogged version of a "X-box magazine". Or what i accidentally did, take juicy bits of hype and share it here, wait for visitors pouring in thus providing the reason for putting up with google ads. However as one hype, overtakes another, i'd probably get lost in repeated praises for just another blockbuster.

Reflection Secundo: understand needs of your reader. if you care. 
Writing on game design, and especially on how things are developed and organised, how creative process works, or what life events game designer is going through, is a thankless job. First of all, very few specialists are interested in that and even less care. Simply because it's generally considered a normality, not an unusual thing for those who create it. Whose who study it develop their own, niche or caste stories, understood mostly by comrades in profession. Occasionally this is spilled around with hype for another game. 

However what ordinary people are looking for, and gamers especially, is analysis of what game does, and how can they use it for their own purposes, new shiny things, rules updates, reviews. Surprisingly, my post on Boarding Marines is one of the most popular in my blog, simply because it gives an answer to people's question and saves them money (hopefully). My general ramblings on how things work, or why, remain outside of the request. So again, write stuff what is a useful to others, but don't be surprised if majority does not care.

Reflection Tercio: learn from your enemies. thats how you conquer the world. 
Yep. Sadly reading other blogs, and marketing books helps. Bastards! They stole all my magnificent ideas! Outrageous! Writing your own stuff and achieving goals works even better. Because you actually work the path of development, instead of reading how it should be done. But anyway prepare.... 

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