Technocracy of Ankerstad
Name: Ankerstad Alliance
Race: NuHumans
Homeworld: Ankerstad
Ankerstad is a low-gravity planet extremely rich in natural resources. Its positioned on the fringe of its solar system orbiting a blue giant star. Planet's orbit brings it into direct vicinity of the Gate once per cycle. This attributes to early settlement of Ankerstad as well as it's civilization dependence on space fleet and orbital defences against unexpected arrivals from the gate. Majority of planetoid is covered in ocean hidden by thick ice and molten rock islands. Atmosphere is rich with ammoniac and nitrogen. Ecosystem and presence of oxygen breathing life forms depended on volcanic activity until Great Families crated artificial system of oxygen production and climate control. Main defence and production system are based on ego-stationry orbit of planet as a belt of docks, elevators to surface, defence and radar outposts.
Ankerstad has been colonized and settled in order to control its natural resources and utilize proximity of the Gate. However difficulties in exploiting those resources meant that only highly advanced civilizations had a chance of retaining its grip on the shifting icy surface of the planet.
All of them human, each dating to various times of arrival and settlement, but all of them eventually united into Ankerstad Alliance which consist of seven great Families which rule over Seven Great Atolls. The Great Seven Families are:
1. Lepanto
2. Midway
3. Tsushima
4. Gangut
5. Salamis
6. Jutland
7. Trafalgar
Each Family attributes certain set of unique skills, technology and resources into Ankerstad Alliance's production of spaceships and other goods.
Ankerstad Alliance has two levels of governance: Atolls are ruled by Families and their courts. All matters of external relations with other space faring nations, including warfare, production of ships and trade agreements are carried out by Alliance's representatives which arecoming from the Great Families. Alliance plays pivotal role in solving disputes between the Families, but if diplomacy fails they retain their right to solve matters on the field of battle. Luckily it happens very rare. Head of Alliance – The Great Commodore is chosen once per 14 cycles by votes of leaders of the Great Seven Families. In case of his death or inability to perform his duties to the Great Seven he is replaced by someone from Alliance's staff until next elections.
Alliance's form of governance is technocracy: decision and policy making depends on specialist with both administrative and field experience. Officials are called to serve time on the ships of Ankerstad fleet often as a commanding officers before any progress on other career path. Though progress through ranks is relatively small, the amount of skill and knowledge officer gain is vast. Captains of Ankerstad are well versed in negotiations, fleet tactics, technology development and boarding actions. However the majority of information is acquired by the means of Virtual Minds: a sophisticated artificial intelligence created to support human decisions.
Ankerstad have seen several waves of habitation and both those who failed and succeeded as civilizations left their mark in the bloodlines of Families. Though not a single bloodline remains completely dominant. Great Seven Families are usually identified by following dominant gene-types:
Lepanto: tall, medium build, olive or dark skin, brown and black eyes, bird like face traits.
Midway: dark brown skin, grey hair, black or brown eyes, short and muscular build
Tsushima: frail, small build, purple or brown eyes, black hair
Gangut: broad and wide build, pale white skin, red, blonde and light brown hair, green or grey eyes
Salamis: broad and wide build, dark olive skin, brown or olive eyes, round nose and lips
Jutland: slim build, thin lips, blonde hair, blue or grey eyes, hawk-like noses
Trafalgar: medium and short build, pale white or blue eyes, light green hair and skin.
Ankerstad Alliance is secular society which emphasizes the power of technology and inventive human mind over speculative religions of others. However almost all ships and private quarters on Atolls have a shrines of Neptoo: a form of meditation room, where people come to burn incense to the spirits of Ship or Atoll and be in solitude for a short time being. No other religion is known to take root among practical and hardy people of Ankerstad.
Ankerstad Alliance has mastered several technological disciplines: spacecraft building, surface and sub-surface ship building, artificial intelligence creation and training, advanced metallurgy and nano-material modification, long range space detection sonar and equipment. In form of weapon design their guns retain a significant range superiority in comparison with similar types of other factions.
Society and Cultural Priorities:
Ankerstad Alliance is not a totally unified society and each Atoll retains its own identity and cultural peculiarities, but all share following priorities:
Humans takes a decisions - Machines provide support.
The rationale behind this cultural priority is unknown, but some suspect that it may be rooted in long forgotten fight with renegade Virtual Mind. After the victory people of Ankerstad decided to rely on their own reasoning and limit the roles of artificial intelligence. However master's of Trafalgar family are known to produce AI with very high levels of independent thinking for undisclosed customer. On the human side, free general education system strongly emphasizes ability to think, take decisions and analyse world around with sufficient information.
This passage is shortened part of national anthem of every Family and is repeated on the flag of Ankerstad Alliance. This principle represents the uncommon camaraderie among the people, ability to help and share resources, be polite and supportive in time of need regardless of origins and social status. As a result of this cultural trait and accessibility of info-clouds of NuHu implants information passes between the common people and specialist in a matter of seconds. This creates unusual freedom of speech and thought but restricted by in-native responsibility and trust to the Family. Loyalty despite the social tension and disagreements remains unquestionable. In full this passage is following:
People protect the Family.
Family serves Atoll.
Atoll serves Alliance.
Alliance protects the people.